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Ve Varrocku se nachází minihra Varrocké Muzeum, kde můžete získat nějaké ty dodatečné zkušenosti, popřípadě se dozvědět něco o historii Runescape.

 Pozice Varrockého muzea

Celkově má muzeum 3 patra + sklepení, kde můžete získat Kudos body, které pak ke konci vyměníte za další zkušenosti.

Patro: Sklepení


Ve sklepě si promluvte s Orlando Smith, který odstartuje minihru v tomto patře. Máte proběhnout ke všem exponátům a odpovědět na 3 otázky, za každou správnou dostanete Kudos body. Po promluvení s Orlandem běžte k exponátu a klikněte na Sturdy Planket, čímž zahájíte sérii otázek.

a) Severní část sklepení





Who discovered how to kill lizards? Slayer masters
What order do lizards belong to? Squamata
How do lizards regulate body temperature? Sunlight
What happens when a lizards becomes cold? It becomes sleepy
How many eyes does a lizard have? 3
Lizard skin is made of the same substance as? Hair

Battle Tortoise




What is a tortoise's favourite food? Vegetables
How does the tortoise protect itself? Hard shell
What race breeds tortoises for battle? Gnome
If a tortoise had 20 rings on its shell, how old would it be? 20 years
What is the name of the oldest tortoise ever recorded? Mibbiwocket
Name the explorer who discovered the world's oldest tortoise. Admiral Bake





Approximately how many feet tall do dragons stand? 12
Which of these is not a type of dragon? Elemental
What is the favoured territory of a dragon? Old battle sites
How long do dragons live? Unknown
What is considered a delicacy to dragons? Runite
What is the best defence against a dragon? Anti-dragonbreath shield





How did the Wyverns die out? Climate change
What are the Wyverns' closest relations? Dragons
Which genus does the wyvern theoretically belong to? Reptiles
What is the ambient temperature of wyvern bones? Below room temperature
How many legs does a wyvern have? 2
Where have wyverns been found? Asgarnia

b) Východní část sklepení





Which of these is a snail byproduct? Fire-proof oil
What does ‘Achatina Acidia’ mean? Acid-spitting
What is special about the shell of a giant Morytanian snail? It is resistant to acid
How do snails move? Contracting and stretching
What is the ‘trapdoor’, which snails use to cover the entrance to their shells called? Operculum
How do Mortytanian snails capture their prey? Spitting acid





What is snake venom adapted from? Stomach Acid
If some snakes use venom to kill their prey, what do other snakes use? Constriction
Lizards and snakes belong to the same order - what is it? Squamata
If a snake sticks out its tongue at you, what is it doing? Seeing how you smell
Which habitat do snakes prefer? Anywhere
Aside from their noses, what do snakes use to smell? Tongue

Sea Slugs




What do we think the sea slug feeds upon? Seaweed
Why has the museum never examined a live sea slug? The researchers keep vanishing
We assume sea slugs have a stinging organ on their soft skin – what's it called? Nematocysts
Off of which coastline would you find sea slugs? Ardougne
In what way are sea slugs similar to snails? They have a hard shell
What are the two fangs presumed to be used for? Decoration or Defense?





Which have the lighter color: Karamjan or Harmless monkeys? Harmless
What color Mohawk do Karamjan monkeys have? Red
What have Karamjan monkeys taken a deep disliking to? Seaweed
What type of primates do monkeys belong to? Simian
There are two families of monkeys. One is Karamjan, the other is? Harmless
Monkeys love bananas. What else do they like to eat? Bitternuts

c) Jižní část sklepení

Kalphite Queen




Name the prominent figure in kalphite mythology? Scarabaras
What are the armoured plates on a kalphite called? Lamellae
What is the lowest caste in kalphite society? Worker
What are kalphites assumed to have evolved from? Scarab Beetles
Kalphites are ruled by a...? Queen
Are kalphites carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores? Carnivores





What is a terrorbird’s preferred food? Anything
Where do terrorbirds get most of their water? Plants
Who uses terrorbirds as mounts? Gnomes
How many claws do terrorbirds have? 4
How many teeth do terrorbirds have? 0
What do terrorbirds eat to aid digestion? Stones

d) Západní část sklepení





When do penguins fast? Breeding
Describe the behaviour of penguins. Social
What is the preferred climate for penguins? Cold
Which sense do penguins rely on for hunting? Sight
Which skill seems unusual for the penguins to possess? Planning
How do penguins keep warm? A Layer of fat





What habitat do moles prefer? Subterranean
Why are moles considered to be an agricultural pest? They dig holes
Who discovered giant moles? Wyson the Gardener
What is a mole's favourite food? Insects and other invertebrates
Which family do moles belong to? The Talpidae family
What would you call a group of young moles? A labour





What is the usual mood of a camel? Annoyed
What is produced by feeding chili to a camel? Toxic dung
Camels: Herbivore, Carnivore, or Omnivore? Omnivore
Which camel byproduct is known to be very nutritious? Camel milk
If an Ugthanki has one, how many would a bactrian have? Two
Where would you find an Ugthanki? Al Kharid





What is special about Morytanian leeches? They attack by jumping
What is the favoured habitat of leeches? Water
What shape is the inside of a leech's mouth? Y-shaped
What contributed to the giant growth of Morytanian Leeches? Environment
Which of these is not eaten by leeches? Apples
How does a leech change when it feeds? It can double in size

Po odpovězení všech otázek dostanete od Orlanda 28 Kudos bodů a 1000 xp do Hunting a Slayer.

1. Patro

1. patro je zaměřené na archeology. Vejděte do místa kde jsou archeologové, promluvte si s jedním z nich a pak seberte u stěny nářadí, boty a rukavice. Boty a rukavice si nasaďte. Seberte z hromady hlíny (Dig site specimen rock) vzorek a použijte na pracovní stůl, dojde k očištění daného kousku. Získáte tak artefakt.

Seznam hledaných artefaktů:


Vzhled Název
Ancient Coin
Ancient Symbol
Old Coin
Old Symbol
Clean Necklace



Cílem je získat tyto artekfakty. Kromě nich budete nacházet i jiné zbytečné předměty, které jsou spíše na potrápení. Zbytečně artefakty pak můžete hodit do odkládácí bedny, která vám pak odmění nějakou tu minci a když se poštěstí tak i lampa s 500 xp. Pokud naleznete hledané artefakty, tak je ukažte archeologům, kteří vám řeknou kam je umístit v muzeu.





Artefakty umístěte takto. Speciálním artefaktem je Clean Necklace, což je rubínový necklace. Po nalezení ukažte archeologům, čímž se vám zpřístupní možnost očarovat Ruby Necklace, který vám umožní teleport do Dig Site. V tomto patře lze získat 50 Kudos bodů.

2. a 3. patro

V tomto patře získáte Kudosy a hlavně několik 1000 xp lamp a jednu 10000 xp lampu + Kudos body. Pro získání těchto odměnu bude třeba splnit tyto questy:
What Lies Below
Hazeel Cult
Merlin's Crystal
The Grand Tree
Observatory Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Rune Mysteries
In Aid of the Myreque
Shield of Arrav
Defender of Varrock
Demon Slayer
Temple of Ikov
Ghostly Robes mini-quest
Making History
Glorious Memories
Meeting History
U questu What Lies Below je nutné donést Minasovi Dagon’hai History, která se nachází u Relda ve Varrocké knihovně na hradě. Pokud máte splněné tyto questy + Dagon’hai History book, promluvte si s Minasem, který vám postupně bude dávat Lampy a navyšovat vaše Kudos Body.
Maximalně zatím lze získat 183 Kudos bodů, pokud je máte, pak běžte do prvního patra.

Hlavní odměna



Po získání 151+ Kudos bodů můžete jít za Clerk, která vám dle počtu Kudos zvýší zkušenosti. 4000 xp do těchto skillu za 151+ kudos - Crafting, Hunter, Prayer, Slayer, Smithing. Pokud máte málo Kudos bodů, tak si počkejte a udělejte si požadované questy. Odměna od Clerk je jednorázová, takže pokud máte málo kudos a jdete si vyzvednout odměnu, tak dostanete třeba jen 1000 xp do miningu a víc už ne.